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 Online Journal of Bioinformatics © 

  Volume 16 (1): 8-17, 2015.

Modelling simulation phylogenetics of leukemia FMS tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3).


Peddanna Kotha, Jayasimha Rayalu Daddam2*, Venkata Ramana Sai Gopal Divi3, Subba Rao  Dakinedi4, Muralidhararao Dowlathabad5


1,3DST-PURSE, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, A.P. INDIA, 2Department of Biotechnology, JNTUA, Anantapur, A.P. INDIA, 4Department of Chemical Engineering, JNTUA College of Engeneering, Anantapur, A.P. INDIA, 5Department of Biotechnology, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur, A.P. INDIA.




Kotha P, Rayalu Daddam J, Sai Gopal Divi VR,  Dakinedi SR, Dowlathabad M., Modelling simulation phylogenetics of leukemia FMS tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3). Onl J Vet Res., 16 (1): 8-17, 2015. Acute Mylenoid Leukemia, a blood and bone marrow cancer is characterized by abnormal proliferation of white blood cells. Genes regulating heamatopoiesis can alter susceptibility to Leukemia. FMS like-tyrosine kinase-3 (FLT3) plays a key role in cell proliferation and differentiation. A three dimensional model of FLT3 was generated using 1RJB (Chain A: Crystal structure of Juxta membrane domain of FLT3), as a template with Modeller7v7. With the aid of molecular mechanics and dynamic methods a model was generated checked by Procheck and 3D graph. After energy minimization, the 3D structure of FLT3 was compared with a template, and 21 genes coding for FLT3 and their locus regions were identified. Multiple alignment and phylogenetic analysis showed that FLT3 family proteins had 4 branches. Functional mutations within FLT3 domain region were identified.


KEY WORDS: Acute mylenoid Leukemia, FLT3, Modelling, Molecular Dynamics, Phylogentic analysis.