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Online Journal of Veterinary Research©

(Including Medical and Laboratory Research)

Established 1994

ISSN 1328-925X


Volume 22 (10):967-973, 2018.

 Effect of glimepiride, bromocriptine or fluoxetine on weight, fasting blood sugar, glucose, insulin,

insulin resistance and prolactin on type 2 diabetes in female rabbits.


DA Abbas, Areej Basil Abbas.


Department of Pharmacology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Baghdad University¹‘²




Abbas DA, Abbas AB., Effect of glimepiride, bromocriptine or fluoxetine on weight, fasting blood sugar, glucose, insulin, insulin resistance and prolactin on type 2 diabetes in female rabbits, Onl J Vet Res., 22 (10):967-973, 2018. Three groups of 5 mixed breed 1.2-1.42 Kg female rabbits each were induced with type 2 diabetes by a single intraperitoneal injection of 120mg/kg alloxan and 50mg/kg nicotinamide. The rabbits were then treated orally daily for 60 days with 0.11mg.kg glimepiride (Group 1), with 0.04mg/kg bromocriptine (2) mg/kg) or 0.29 mg/kg fluoxetine (3). Controls were untreated diabetic rabbits (4) or only given water (5). We monitored body weights, serum prolactin, fasting blood sugar (FBS), insulin and insulin resistance at 30 or 60 days after induction of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes reduced (P < 0.05) body weight 4-12% up to 30 days in all groups except water controls. By 60 days in those given Glimeridide with Bromocriptine and diabetic controls, weights still remained similar to pre-induction values whereas in water controls by 30 and 60 days body weights had increased 5-20% (P < 0.05). In rabbits given Glimeridide with fluoxetine, by day 60 weights were maintained but did not increase. Fasting blood sugar increased (P < 0.05) 57-76% just after induction in all rabbits but by Day 60 Glimiride had had no effect. In contrast, by day 60, Glimepiride with Bromocrytine reduced (P < 0.05) sugar by 15% and with Fluoxetine 9%. In diabetic controls, glucose increased (P < 0.05) 61% but in water controls declined 23%. Glimiride increased blood insulin 43% and with bromoceriptine 24% and  fluoxetine 37%, (P< 0.05), but in diabetic or water controls there were no changes. We found large declines (P < 0.01) in insulin resistance values (after induction of type 2 diabetes), due to glimeridide with bromocriptine (-57%) or fluoxetine (-30%) but none with glimeridide alone. Neither controls showed any change in insulin resistance compared with pre-induction values. By day 60, Prolactin declined 27% in rabbits given Glimiride with Bromocriptine, but increased 27% in those given fluoxetine: In non-treated diabetic control this value increased by 50%


Key word: DM2, glimepiride, bromocriptine, fluoxetine, prolactin, insulin resistance.