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Online Journal of Bioinformatics ©
Volume 7 (2) : 85-89,
Dowlathabad MR1, Venkata RD2, Rallapalli R2
1Department of Biotechnology,
Bioinformatics Laboratory and 2Department of Microbiology,
Dowlathabad MR, Venkata
RD, Rallapalli R., In silico
Homology modeling and Structure assessment of Holo (Acyl Carrier Protein) synthetase
from Treponema pallidum, Online
J Bioinformatics 10 (2) :85
- 89, 2006.
Computational data provides new opportunities for finding optimal targets among
previously unexplored cellular functions based on an understanding of their
related biological processes in bacterial pathogens and their hosts. The
experimental structure for Holo
Acyl Carrier Protein synthetase
of Treponema pallidum
is still unknown for the reason that Treponema pallidum could not be grown in vitro conditions. A
computational 3D model and structure assessment for ACP synthetase
of Treponema pallidum is
described with the aim of designing appropriate inhibitor(s) against acp synthetase
of Treponema pallidum.
Key words: Troponema pallidum,
Homology modeling, Holo (Acyl
carrier protein) Synthetase