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Online Journal of
Veterinary Research©
(Including Medical and Laboratory Research)
Established 1994
ISSN 1328-925X
28 (12): 885-888, 2024.
Prevalence of dental pathology in young
and adult dogs.
Moosa Javdani1, Navid Ziaei2
of Veterinary Medicine, Razi University, Kermanshah, 2Islamic
Azad University, Yasuj branch, Iran.
Javdani M, Ziaei N., Prevalence
of dental pathology in young and adult dogs, Onl J
Vet Res., 28 (12): 885-888, 2024. Prevalence of
dental pathology in 3-6 (21), 6-12 (30), 12-24 (44) and 24-60 month old (20) dogs
is reported. Plaque, periodontal disease and malocclusion was common in 3 to 6 month old puppies. However, compared
with 3-6 month old dogs, in those =>2 years had 2.6 fold more plaque, 2.4
fold periodontal problems, 7 fold more cavities and 5 times more fractures. However,
periodontal disease was 33.3% in young pups 43.33 in 6-12 month, 61.4 12-24 but
80% in those older than 2 years. We found no difference in malocclusion at any
age. As expected, results suggest prevalence of gingival problems and
periodontal disease, dental plaques, caries and cavities was greater in older
Key words: pet dog, dental problems, periodontal disease, dental plaques, dental