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Online Journal of Bioinformatics©
10 (1):74-81, 2009
statistical method for verification of rareness in DNA sequences
sequence encoding
Meena Ka, Menaka Kb,
Sundar TVd*
Subramanian KR c
Principal and Head, Department of Computer Science, b Lecturer,
Department of I.T. & Applications,. cProfessor, Department
of M.C.A., Shrimati Indira Gandhi
College, Tiruchirapalli – 620 002 and dLecturer(SS), Postgraduate
and Research Department of Physics, National College, Tiruchirappalli – 620
001, India.
Meena K, Menaka K, Sundar TV, Subramanian KR., A statistical method for
verification of rareness in DNA sequences using sequence encoding, Online J
Bioinformatics, 10 (1):74-81,
2009. Consensus sequence among a family of related sequences is
the sequence that shows the characteristics common to most members of the
family. Consensus sequences are important in various DNA sequencing analyses
and applications and are a convenient way in characterizing a family of
molecules. Rareness or anomaly detection followed by in depth analyses in such
sequences may reveal significant information regarding the structural,
functional and biochemical pathways of the genes which are of much importance
to biologists. This paper describes a new method of encoding the DNA sequences
for sequence analyses and subsequent application of a statistical method called
Analysis of Variance to verify the nature of consensus among the family of
given related sequences. The verification for the existence of consensus or
rareness is judged based upon the calculation of the variation within the
sequence data and the group of sequences. For an illustration, some DNA
consensus sequences corresponding to human repetitive elements submitted to Repbase have been used.
Rareness detection, Sequence Encoding and Consensus sequence