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Online Journal of Bioinformatics ©

Volume 13(1):167-183, 2012

 In silico novel MYB transcription factor [EaMYB2R], from Erianthus arundinaceus.


Pranali Kulkarni1*(MSc) and Rachayya M. Devarumath1, 2*(PhD)


1Molecular Biology & Genetic Engineering Division, Vasantdada Sugar Institute, Manjari (Bk), Tal. Haveli and 2Department of Biotechnology, University of Pune, Maharashtra, India




Kulkarni P, Devarumath RM., In silico novel MYB transcription factor [EaMYB2R from Erianthus arundinaceus.], Online J Bioinform 13(1):167-183, 2012. Erianthus arundinaceus because of its high fibre-yield biomass and resistance to environmental stresses, is regarded as a promising biomass crop. Attempts have been made to cross E. arundinaceus with sugarcane to introduce these character genes into modern cultivars but conclusive results have not been achieved. The isolation, cloning and In silico characterization of EaMYB2R gene from E. arundinaceus encoding a protein belonging to subfamily of R2R3-MYB transcription factor is herein described. The putative 3D structure of EaMYB2R was generated using threading assembly refinement [I-TASSER] server. PROCHECK, PROMOTIF and ProSA programs were used to evaluate the stereo chemical quality of the model and the scores were found within the recommended intervals. E. arundinaceus showed highest similarities in R2R3 regions to the MYB transcription factors used for analysis. The secondary and 3D structures presented through computational modeling studies conferred the structure of DNA binding sugarcane transcription factor (EaMYB2R)


Key words: MYB Transcription factor, E. arundinaceus, protein structure modelling, environmental stress, R2R3 proteins, I-TASSER