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 Online Journal of Bioinformatics © 

 Volume 15 (1): 54-86, 2014.

Functional diversity of melanoma antigen proteins implicated in tumor/cancer related pathways.


Daniel A Achinko PhD1,3. Awino Maureiq Edith Ojwank2, Anton Dormer MD3.


1International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), Nairobi, Kenya, 2University of Nairobi, Kenya, P.O Box 30197, G.P.O, Nairobi, Kenya, 3PepVax, Inc.10411 Motor City Drive Bethesda, MD 20817, USA.




Achinko DA, Ojwank AME, Dormer A., Functional diversity of melanoma antigen proteins implicated in tumor/cancer related pathways. Onl J Bioinform., 15 (1): 54-86, 2014. Evidence showing that the functional diversity of melanoma antigen proteins (MAGE) variants and their putative interactions could favor malignancy of tumors is described. Through protein-protein interaction networks, four core proteins (HDAC1, RARA, P53 and SNW1) were identified as the foundation of all the processes governing the MAGE protein network. The involvement of these proteins in various cancer pathways implicated one of the complexes predicted within the MAGE protein network and this complex was dominantly MAGE subclass A proteins. MAGE B2 was identified among the hubbal nodes making it the most essential and lethal protein for the MAGE protein network. Involvement of MAGE proteins variants in different tumors makes them potential molecules for a common vaccine target and marker for early molecular diagnosis. Driver mutations associated with the four core proteins favoring tumor progression of MAGE proteins could be exploited through genome wide association studies (GWAS) for the development of early molecular detection kits.


Key Words-Melanoma antigen proteins, cancer pathways, vaccine.