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Online Journal of Veterinary Research©

(Including Medical and Laboratory Research)

Established 1994

ISSN 1328-925X


Volume 28(7): 423-433, 2024.

Effect of cobalt and vitamin B12 deficiency on hematology and liver histology in sheep with lipidosis.


El-Khodery SA, Hussein HS, Metwally NS, Nassif MN, El-Boshy ME, Galbat SA.


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mansoura University, National research centre, Doki, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kafe El-Sheikh University, Gyza, Egypt.





El-Khodery SA, Hussein HS, Metwally NS, Nassif MN, El-Boshy ME, Galbat SA, Effect of cobalt and vitamin B12 deficiency on hematology and liver histology in sheep with lipidosis, Onl J Vet Res., 28(7): 423-433, 2024.  Of 34 ill-thrift anemic sheep, we found 23 with low serum cobalt  0.24 ± 0.09 mmol/l, vitamin B12 0.15 ±0.07 mg/l and 6 with low vitamin E  (1.1 ± 0.27mg/l) versus 2.3 ± 0.34 mg/l in 10 controls. Sheep were examined by ultrasound 5-MHz linear and convex transducers for liver biopsy microscopy and blood for hematology. We found 5 sheep with mild, 7 moderate and 11 with severe lipidosis. By ultrasound we detected diffuse echogenicity and focal hyper-echoic liver parenchyma. Compared with controls, in severe cases liver size increased ~8% (P < 0.05) whereas in all sheep with the condition, red cells increased (P < 0.05) 13-24%, hemoglobin 16-23%, packed cell volumes 17-23% protein 2-18%,  aspartate and alanine transaminases 47-83%. By microscopy we found hepatic cell vacuolation, congestion of hepatic sinusoids, biliary hyperplasia and infiltration of portal area with inflammatory cells and connective tissues.


Key words: Liver, lipidosis, sheep, ultrasonography, cobalt, microscopy.