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Online Journal of Veterinary Research (OJVR)
Journal of Veterinary Research©
ISSN 1328-925X
Accepted for listing or indexed by
Please read
updates below before submitting any work to this journal
2022: Author(s) who breach post/publish copyrighted materials full-text
articles (ie full-text) by publishing on other
publications/websites (ie ResearchGate,
Academia, Postinform, Cab Abstracts, EBSCO, Questia, profdoc.um.ac.ir., ect) will have all of their publications removed from this
journal. Submissions from any of the authors will no longer be evaluated by
this journal. Legal proceedings may be instituted against copyright breaches
even though the work is published under the title (Online Journal of Veterinary
Research). The reason for this is that other publications/sites are charging
fees for our copyrighted material thus affecting our ability to remunerate
review processes and administration fees to run the journal efficiently.
submission requirement: This journal now requires that any submission with data
analysis must be accompanied by an original raw data file including date,
column and row headings for independent statistical analysis by our assessors.
Submissions which generate output files will require input data and software
program files to be provided. For validation, authors must provide copies of
laboratory result printouts such as HPLC curves, PCR photos, blood test results
etc. There will be no exceptions and submissions without the files will be
returned to authors. The submitted files will remain the property of authors.
For case/submissions based on images/microscopy, ALL images must be submitted
(12 animals per group requires 12 images, one from each animal).
The Online Journal of
Veterinary Research, abbreviated as Onl
J Vet Res (OJVR) was created in 1994 for the purpose of disseminating
original veterinary research electronically and currently has 26 scientific board members specialized in different areas of Veterinary
Science and human medical research. The Journal is only
available online, printed versions are the
responsibility of authors and subscribers. Submissions are usually reviewed by
2 board members or persons commissioned from outside institutions. The site
consists of links to condensed abstracts with full-text articles which may be
purchased or are available to subscribers only. Published articles are permanently
archived on the site. Articles are posted with relevant meta
tags. The journal only publishes original research work in veterinary science
as full abstracts with full-text articles or short communications. The Board
may consider the publication of solicited or unsolicited reviews.
main criteria for
publication in the OJVR is scientific soundness,
originality and a high standard of written English. The Work, when
relevant, must be supported by Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) guidelines,
conciseness, raw data, appropriate sampling and statistical
analysis. Abstracts posted on OJVR should be able to be read by persons
not specialized in the field. Submissions must comply with our Animal
Ethics Statement (prepared by The Veterinary Editors Committee). A
recent full-text article may be viewed here. Authors are usually
notified by email of an outcome within four weeks. Accepted articles are
usually published within four weeks of acceptance notification. Please note:
Submissions that do not meet the basic requirements (see below), will not be
reviewed. Submissions will be subjected to an automatic plagiarism and author
(only if relevant), check before review. Work must be of middle to high
significance to be considered for review. Currently (October 2022), 13% of submitted
articles are published in OJVR. A list of specific areas for publication is
shown below:As a guide, but
NOT in any priority order, OJVR will consider publication of animal research
Pathology and Toxicology
Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics and toxicokinetics
Parasitology and Bacteriology
Genetics and Molecular Biology
Clinical Medicine
Medical Research (including Human)
Surgery and Anaesthesia
Case Reports
Veterinary Informatics
Veterinary Biosecurity
Veterinary Epidemiology
(Updated October 2022)
How to submit:
The Online Journal of Veterinary Research (OJVR) is an electronic
journal. Basic requirements: Submissions must be emailed
here and when received will
be acknowledged by OJVR by a return email. Authors submitting on behalf
of an institution must provide evidence (email or otherwise) of acceptance of
submission by the institution. Authors must identify or nominate the
organization where the work was done, acknowledge collaboration, and nominate
their qualifications. To avoid confusion, file names should be distinctive and
include date of submission. For example "Influenza virus: biochemical
perspectives, mutational variants and bird flu" should be named
"birdflu.doc", "influenza.doc" or mutation.pdf" ect. Please note: any attempt to
influence publication with statements such as "we need the acceptance of our
article", will automatically be rejected from any consideration and
deleted. Submissions that do not meet basic requirements will not be considered.
Review and publication:
Submissions are reviewed by two or more editors, or persons commissioned from
another institution. The criteria for publication are outlined in the Referee
Form. If accepted with or without modifications, reports are usually
emailed to authors within 30 working days. Articles accepted but
requiring extensive redaction and/or processing of data may require a fee of $130USD
or $180AUD for further consideration. After author notification by email,
submissions not published by OJVR are erased and copyright is returned to
authors. If the work is deemed to be not an original contribution
and requires major changes, the manuscript will not be considered for
publication and no report will be issued. Reports are not provided to authors
for submissions found to be not suitable for publication and no further
correspondence concerning the submission will be entered into. Once authors
have signed and returned the copyright form, and have been notified by the that a submission has been accepted and reviwed for corrections the Board may at its own discretion
not allow the work to be withdrawn from publication. Submissions that are
withdrawn for whatever reason will not be considered further. This journal now
requires that ALL submissions be accompanied by original raw data usually in Excel
format for statistical analysis. There will be no exceptions and submissions
without this requirement will not be viewed or considered for review. Emails or
attachments with viruses are deleted. Upon acceptance of a submission, the title
will be posted on the internet and usually, published within 48 days.
Submissions remain posted indefinitely and archived.
Copyright and Conflict of
Interest: OJVR is unable to process submissions until the OJVR
Copyright Form is received. The form must be sent here by
email. Receipt of the completed form constitutes transfer of
copyright (please read the form for further information). OJVR encourages
the dissemination of scientific work and supports the SPARC
initiative which allows authors to disseminate their work without financial
gain. Authors are encouraged to complete the SPARC form here when submitting work to the
OJVR. OJVR subscribes to the conflict of interest charter as described
by the Council of Science Editors and authors must
complete this form. While every effort is made to
assure due diligence, submissions that are subsequently found to have been plegariased, copied, repeated or published elsewhere whole
or in part will be deleted from OJVR pages.
Submissions should be checked for spelling and grammar by a program such as
Microsoft Word preferable submitted in Microsoft or Apache word formats.
Additional formatting, if required, will be done by the OJVR. Submissions
should include all original data and additional data submitted after submission
will not be considered unless we request it. Submissions must be written in
a high standard of English (Basic requirement). As a guide, authors
should view a recent OJVR article (full-text).
Short and concise
NAMES: with qualifications (DVM, PhD), affiliations, address for correspondence
and email address.
Must be a concise compilation of the work done, results and conclusions. In the abstract only, statements of difference are assumed to be p < 0.05 or less. If required, only values lower (ie P < 0.01) need be stated. However, significance must be stated in the material and methods and/or results (see below). In the abstract, abbreviations may be used if repeated in the abstract.
Should state current referenced state of
knowledge, previous findings and results, and reason for study.
should be referenced and manufacturers nominated. Statistical analysis needs to
be reported here. When relevant, methods
should abide by approved laboratory methods and standards (GLP) with
valid statistical or programming tests. For studies with animals, usually 6
subjects/samples or more per group, are required for statistical differences.
With large animal studies (ie: laminitis in horses)
or case studies, if variance is small or not relevant, less subjects may
suffice (basic requirements).
should be tabulated or imaged with statistics footnoted. Here we do not
describe results.
our recent format, results are presented and discussed in this section. These
should be supported/compared with previous findings
References in text should be set out as Jones GH (1996) or Jones and Smith JK (2000) or for more than two authors, Jones et al (2001) or (Jones and others) with, title of work, journal name in full, volume, page(s) and year and/or numbered (1,2) and listed in order of appearance (ie:"blood values1 ).
Wording: Submissions should be concise; for example, lengthy
descriptions of a disease are not appropriate for a serological report. Authors
are encouraged to not write unsupported statements such as "this is the
first reported", and avoid use of verbs such a "very important"
Experimental methods and
statistical significance: Once a submission is reviewed,
further data will not be requested (unless requested by reviewer) and the work
will not be considered any further. Submissions without accompanying RAW data
to validate the findings will not be considered (basic requirement). Experimental
methods and results, when relevant, must be supported by approved
laboratory methods and standards (GLP) with valid statistical or
programming tests. For pharmacokinetic, physio-pathological or similar studies
with animals, six subjects/samples or more per group, are advisable to validate
significance. With large animal studies (ie:
laminitis in horses) or case studies, if variance is small or not relevant,
less subjects may suffice (basic requirements).
Animal Ethics:
Housing and care of animal should comply with the Code of Practice for the
Housing and Care of Animals used in Scientific Procedures (
Short communications: Contributors
may report novel and significant research results as a short abstract with
supporting condensed data. Short reports should not exceed 1000 words and 25
Review articles:
Authors may submit a compendium of their own research work or a review of the
current and future status of areas of interest (see list above). Reviews should
include an abstract, an introduction and brief headings. The article should not
exceed 3000 words and 60 references.
Please note, OJVR is an electronic journal only.
Authors will be emailed a copy of the full-text published article for their own
printing. Parts may have to be reformatted (ie: large
images may be linked to a separate web page).
Correspondence Policy: Only correspondence dealing with
submission and publication of your work will be answered. Request for status of
papers after submission will not be answered.
2022: Papers that have been accepted due to reviewers work cannot be withdrawn
later for any reason whatsoever. However this journal reserves the right to
withdraw any article at any time for any reason. This Journal will not accept
any conditions or statements by author(s) before or after publication as a
reason to publish or to withdraw an article (time limits for publication ect). If you cannot accept the conditions required
by this journal please do not submit your work here. Authors will be requested
to be bound in writing by this and all other conditions before any work is reviewed. Journal reserves to redact
any article at any time to meet the standards of this journal. Redaction
will be confined to renewal of links, formatting, presentation and English
grammar, but not to scientific content.
submission requirements (6/9/2017).
ALL submissions must be spelling and grammar checked by an MSWORD or similar program.
As of January 1, 2014 this journal requires that any submission with data
analysis must be accompanied by an original raw data file including date,
column and row headings for independent statistical analysis by our assessors.
The raw data must be normally distributed (within normal bell curve). In addition original
prints of laboratory results (PCR, HI, HPLC etc) will
have to be submitted with your article. There will be no exceptions and
submissions without the files will be returned to authors. As of January 1,
2014, the raw data files will be linked to the articles accepted for
publication but the submitted raw data and laboratory files will remain the
property of authors.
Online JournalsOctober
Affiliation names: Only Institutional names (University of Georgia, etc.,),
Faculty names (Faculty of Veterinary Science, etc.,) and/or Laboratories public
or private names (Queensland Medical Laboratory, etc.,) and/private
organization names (Pharmaceutical Research Division, Glaxo, etc.,) affiliations
will be published. Young Researchers Club(s) etc., and/or Department(s) of
Pharmacology etc., are no longer acceptable affiliation names. Acceptable
affiliation name Example 1: 2Faculty of Veterinary Science,
University of Queensland, Australia. Example 2: 1,4Pharmaceutical
Research Division, Glaxo Laboratories, Surrey, UK. Example 3: 1Vetset
Clinic, Maryborough, LO, USA.
2015: Author(s) who breach post/publish copyrighted materials full-text
articles (ie full-text) by publishing on other publications/websites
(ie ResearchGate, Academia,
Postinform, Cab Abstracts, EBSCO, Questia,
profdoc.um.ac.ir, ect) will
have all of their publications removed from this journal. Submissions from any
of the authors will no longer be evaluated by this journal. Legal proceedings
may be instituted against copyright breaches even though the work is published
under the title (Online Journal of Veterinary Research). The reason for this is
that these other sites are charging fees for copyrighted material.
16, 2014: Authors are reminded that a minimum of 6 animals/subjects per group
are required for comparison statistical significance ie
6 controls v 6 treated ect.
Five repeats or less will no longer be accepted for large or small animal tests
(with the exception of equines).
9, 2014: Authors must confirm Institutional approval (if relevant) before
submitting work to this journal. An impact factor (for which we do not take any
responsibility as to accuracy), for the Online Journal of Veterinary Research
(1.60/1.32 (2013) was published by http://www.medical-journals-links.com/veterinary-comparative-medicine-journals.php
but we take no responsibility for its accuracy or otherwise. Once a submission
is reviewed and approved, copyright forms sent and approved, submissions can
only be withdrawn at the discretion of the editors. Once published, articles
cannot be withdrawn under any circumstances unless found to have be
plagiarized, falsified or copied (retraction).
September 2014: Submissions with author(s) using non-valid qualifications (ie: DVM student as “DVM”ect) will not be considered now or in any future
May 2014: An email of acceptance or tentative acceptance of an article will be
the only correspondence issued by this journal in relation to publication of an
article. Individual request for letters of acceptance after publication will
not be issued by this journal.
April 2014: Authors submitting work which is based on the same or similar work
to a previously published article in this or any other journal (by the same
authors), will not be considered. Future submission of any article by the same
author(s) will not be considered. Submissions from authors making any statement
concerning the possible publication of their work will not be considered. For
example: :We need to have this work published for the
granting of a degree etc.:, or any other reason.
Update June 2013: Authors and Institutional names CANNOT be changed/added etc., after initial submission of an article for evaluation, with the exception of additional data or work requested by this journal associated with a new author.
May 2013: Plagiarism is a very serious offence. Any author(s) or co-authors
associated with any plagiarized work of other(s) presently or in the past (up
to 40 years ago) by passing off the findings of others work as their own will
have all their publications removed/retracted from this journal whether these
have been plagiarized or not and reported to Retraction Watch. Please note
that ALL authors from a plagiarized article will be retracted/removed and
reported. Clients, subscribers authors are encouraged
to report any sign of plagiarized work in this journal here.
July 2012: New review policy: The internet has allowed unbiased professional
comment and review of published work which in the Boards view, can only
improve the quality and results of research published in this journal. In
addition to the original review by Scientific Board Members, the Board has
decide to test for a limited time, an opportunity for outside professionals to
comment and/or review work published in the Online Journal of Veterinary
Research. Persons qualified in the field are encouraged to comment and/or
review selected papers online. Only review or comments from professionals not
linked (conflict of interest) to authors or institutions involved with the
reviewed work will be considered.
| Editors
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Disclaimer :No
responsibility is assumed by the Publisher for any damage and/or injury to any persons,
animals or property due to any of the products, ideas, methods or instructions
published in Online Journal of Veterinary Research (OJVR). Inclusion of any of
the products in material published in OJVR does not constitute an endorsement
or guarantee of the quality of such products. © 1996-2009 All
Rights Reserved. No part of this page may be reproduced, stored or
transmitted without the permission of the publisher, Online Journal of
Veterinary Research.
1994-2018, All Rights Reserved, Online Journal of Veterinary Research.
OJVR is a Trade Mark of OJVR Publications