Online Journal of Bioinformatics

Impact factor data


Updated 30th November 20131


The high IF Value of 7.40 posted by IBIO Japan ( Note:This NOT an ISI Thompson IF) is in our view, not accurate.

The real IF is probably closer to the hI-index: 1.67 by Hartzings (see below)


Another impact measure is Google ranking relative quality site (November 2, 2009)

The green ratings bars are Google™s assessment of the importance of a web page, as determined by Google's patented PageRank technology and other factors. These PageRank bars tell you at a glance whether Google considers a page to be a high-quality site worth checking out.


This journal has NOT been assessed by ISI Thompson.


Online journal of bioinformatics: all

Query date: 2013-11-30


hI-index: 1.80


Papers: 41

Citations: 153

Years: 14

Cites/year: 10.93

Cites/paper: 3.73/2.0/0 (mean/median/mode)

Cites/author: 60.58

Cites/author/year: 4.32

Papers/author: 14.80

Authors/paper: 3.29/3.0/3 (mean/median/mode)

h-index: 6

g-index: 10

e-index: 7.55

hc-index: 5

hI-index: 1.80

hI,norm: 4

hI,annual: 0.29

hm-index: 3.57

AW-index: 4.63

AWCR: 21.45

AWCRpA: 7.34


Hirsch a=4.25, m=0.43

Contemporary ac=3.44


3 paper(s) with 1 author(s)

5 paper(s) with 2 author(s)

16 paper(s) with 3 author(s)

12 paper(s) with 4 author(s)

4 paper(s) with 5 author(s)

1 paper(s) with 6 author(s)


Updated 12/2/2012


Papers:           27        Cites/paper:    4.04     h-index:           5          AWCR: 13.31

Citations:       109      Cites/author:   48.10   g-index:           10        AW-index:       3.65

Years: 13        Papers/author:            10.87   hc-index:         4          AWCRpA:         5.23

Cites/year:     8.38     Authors/paper:            3.19     hI-index:          1.67     e-index:           7.48

                                               hI,norm:          4          hm-index:        3.08

Query date: 2012-02-16


Hirsch a=4.36, m=0.38

Contemporary ac=3.31

Cites/paper 4.04/1.0/0 (mean/median/mode)

Authors/paper 3.19/3.0/4 (mean/median/mode)


4 paper(s) with 1 author(s)

2 paper(s) with 2 author(s)

9 paper(s) with 3 author(s)

10 paper(s) with 4 author(s)

1 paper(s) with 5 author(s)

1 paper(s) with 6 author(s)


OJB impact factor calculations

Note of caution:
Journal impact factors are affected/biased by variations between disciplines, item by item. The figures quoted here must be interpreted with caution.
Interested persons should read the Thomson essay on impact factors and this link about Harzings Publish or Perish to interpret the data.

Note: only refereed journal article citations were used in the calculations.

Data Source: Google scholar search to +”Online Journal of Bioinformatics” exact wording and quotes must be used