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Volume 17 (12):604-612, 2013. Extensively Redacted 2017.

Clinical and histopathological effects of chronic Fumaria parviflora extract on Sprague–Dawley rats


Javad Tajik1, Azizolah Khodakaram Tafti2, Mosayeb Evazzadeh3


1Department of Clinical Studies, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 2Department of Pathobiology, 3School of Veterinary Medicine; Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran




Tajik J, Khodakaram Tafti A, Evazzadeh M., Clinical and histopathological effects of chronic gavaged Fumaria parviflora extract in Sprague–Dawley rats. Onl J Vet Res., 17 (12):604-612, 2013. Clinical effects of chronic use of Fumaria parviflora  on hepatic, renal, lung and cardiac tissues were evaluated in Sprague–Dawley rats. Three groups of 10 rats each were gavaged 100, 200 or 300 mg/kg F. parviflora hydro-alcoholic extract daily for 30 days. Ten control rats were given gavaged saline. The rodents were euthanized at day 30 and cardiac, lung, hepatic, and renal tissue samples were taken. None of the treated rats showed clinical signs of toxicity. However, hepatic and renal hyperemia occurred and apparent F. parviflora dose dependent lesions were visible in liver, kidney and lung. Microscopically, hyperemia and cell swelling of proximal tubules in renal tissues, hyperemia, fatty change and cell swelling in hepatic tissues and hyperemia in lung tissues was found in all rats given F. parviflora . The findings suggest that chronic administration of F. parviflora extract even at low doses induces hepatic and renal lesions in rats.


Key words: Fumaria parviflora, Long-term, Toxicity, Histopathological, Rat.