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Online Journal of Veterinary Research©

Volume 23 (7):707-716, 2019.

Effect of oral ferrous sulphate on subchronic cadmium chloride toxicity in adult male albino rats.


Riyadh K Farhood and Duraid A Abass.


Department of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, College of Veterinary Medicine – University of Baghdad, Bagdad, Iraq




Farhood RK, Abass DA., Effect of oral ferrous sulphate on subchronic cadmium chloride toxicity in adult male albino rats, Onl J Vet Res., 23 (7):707-716, 2019. We report effect of oral ferrous sulphate on subchronic cadmium toxicity in adult male albino rats. Groups of 7 rats each were gavaged 1.3mg/kg ferrous sulphate (Fs) with or without 1/25 LD50 11mg/kg cadmium chloride (Cd) daily for 45 days. Controls were gavaged 0.1 ml/100g distilled water. At Day 45, serum alanine (ALT) and aspartame (AST) transaminases, cadmium, iron  (Fe+2) and calcium (Ca+2 ) ions and haematology were determined.  Compared with controls (P < 0.05) we found ALT increased ~20% in rats but only ~3-6% in those given Fs with or without Cd  and AST ~40% and 18-23%, respectively. White blood cells (WBC) increased 21-31% in rats given Cd or Fs. However red blood cells (RBC) declined ~5% in rodents given Cd but increased in those given Fs with or without Cd (15%). Platelets fell and clotting time increased in rats given Cd or Fs. Treatments with ferrous sulphide per se appear to have boosted RBC but did not ameliorate increased clotting times or reduced platelets in any group. As expected serum cadmium and Fe+2 iron increased in treated rats. There were large falls in  serum Ca+2 (61-78%) in rats gavaged Fs or Cd. Results suggest that ferrous sulphide may have prevented rises in serum cadmium which may have ameliorated toxicity in rats.


Keyword: Cadmium toxicity, ferrous sulphate, serum ALT, AST, hematology, metals. Raw data provided.