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Journal of Veterinary Research
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Title: Effect
of cannulated veno-arterial
and left heart bypass cooling (25o)C with autologous
oxygenation on
blood components and gases in a sheep model.
Authors-Martín A. Marcosa,
Javier Moulya, Oscar Robledoa,
Eduardo J. Durantea, Carlos A. Presab.
Organization-Central Department of Surgery. Veterinary
Science Faculty. La Plata University. Buenos Aires and bPediatric Heart Surgery
Department. Sor Maria Ludovica Children's Hospital.
La Plata, Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Maryam Ansari-Lari * a, Sara Ahmadnia
Motlaghb, Marjan Moravvejib, Somayye Bahramib, Arsalan Hosseinib
ID: 29635-2011
The Editor must ensure that the OJVR publishes only papers which are
scientifically sound. To achieve this objective, the referees are requested to
assist the Editor by making an assessment of a paper submitted for publication
Writing a report on the reverse side of this form,
(b} Check the boxes shown below under 1. and 2. ( YES or NO) [N.B.A "NO" assessment must be
supported by specific comment in the
(c) Make a recommendation under 3.
Editor-in-Chief would appreciate hearing from any referee who feels that he/she
will be unable to review a manuscript within two weeks.
Is the work scientifically sound? Y
Is the work an original contribution? Y
the conclusions justified on the evidence presented? Y
Is the work free of major errors in fact, logic or technique? Y
Is the paper clearly and concisely written? No see below
Do you consider that the data provided on the care and use of animals (See
Instructions to Contributors) is sufficient to establish that the animals used
in the experiments were well looked after, that care was taken to avoid
distress, and that there was no unethical use of animals? Yes Ethics approved by University
2 PRESENTATION (Mark "Yes" or
Does the title clearly indicate the content of the paper? NO (see suggestions)
Does the abstract convey the essence of the article? NO (see changes)
Are all the tables essential? Y
Are the figures and drawings of good quality? Y
Are the illustrations necessary for an understanding of the text? Y
Is the labelling adequate? Y
3. RECOMMENDATIONS(Mark one with an X)
Not suitable for publication in the OJVR
Reassess after major changes X
Accept for publication with minor changes
Accept for publication without changes
4.REPORT:. This work is useful in that it shows that vital
functions can be kept by cannulated cooling to 25C in
anesthetized sheep. It also describes the effects using two circulatory bypasses.
We usually require 6 animals per group minimum for statistical significance.
Also cannulated controls should have been used (ie effect of cannulation per se) If
authors have supplied raw data the variance for the 5 animals in each group
should be checked. The paper is poorly written and requires major changes (suggestions
in text) for acceptance in this journal. The ABSTRACT is hard to follow and extensive
changes as suggested are required. The Title also does not reflect the work and
we advise the changed one. Materials and Methods.
These are well described and accurate only require minor changes as
suggested The results presented in
Abstract and in text are confusing/conflicting as it is stated that the parameters
that changed was MAP arterial pressure and Arterial Oxygen pressure, but in text
(Results) that venous pressure also changed? Please clear up. We suggest
clearly explaining the differences between the left heart and venous arterial cannulation results and BEFORE and AFTER in both groups.
You do not need to repeat RESULTS if they are already in Tables just mention
the ones that changed significantly. Also authors have forgotten to put UNITS
of measurement for example mmHg for gases please verify these units and
percentage for hematocrit values. ALL Abbreviations etc
such as MAP, HR etc needs to be spelled out in the
ABSTRACT for example:hematocrit
(HT). Please refer paper back to authors for changes. Accept with major changes
as suggested. If Abstract does not reflect findings accurately permit changes.
The effect of 25°C cooling induced by cannulated veno arterial (VAB 5
sheep) and left heart bypass (LHB 5 sheep) circulatory support on an in situ
hypothermic lung function sheep model is described. The sheep were cooled
without inducing cardiac inotropic effects or arrhythmia. The time for cooling
from 38°C to 25°C, averaged 100 minutes in VAB and 60 minutes in LHB sheep.
Mean arterial pressure declined in both groups whereas central venous pressure,
heart rate, hematocrit,
PaCO2, PaO2 and SaO2 did
not vary significantly between VAB and LHB groups. The experiment showed that it is possible to
induce cooling through
VAB or LHB cannulation allowing partial
but adequate perfusion of ischemic sensitive organs in sheep. PaO2 values could be improved with different
ventilator modes and capnography-guided
ventilation. This model could allow for
the assessment of lung function in hypothermia without use of membrane
oxygenators or lung protective drugs.