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Online Journal of Veterinary Research©
(Including Medical and
Laboratory Research)
Established 1994
ISSN 1328-925X
Volume 29 (2): 85-93, 2025.
of abortion on performance and culling in dairy herds.
S Taraphder, SS Tomar, AK Gupta.
Genetics and Breeding Department, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery
Sciences, Belgachia, Kolkata, Dairy Cattle
Breeding Division, NDRI, Karnal, India
Taraphder S, Tomar V, Gupta AK., Effects of
abortion on performance and culling in dairy herds, Onl
J Vet Res., 29 (2): 85-93, 2025. We found ~10% abortion in 1279 pregnant cows peaking
(P < 0.05) during 2nd trimester of gestation. Mean culling
following abortion was ~48% and interval to conception 124 days. The incidence
was greater (p < 0.05) during the second trimester (5.2%) than during the
first trimester (1.5%). The mean culling rate following abortion was 47.6% but
time of abortion did not affect culling.
In our study aborted cows were 3.1 times of higher risk of being culled.
The overall mean intervals from abortion to conception were 124.3 ± 14.75 days.
During 1st trimester 19
aborted with 1.5% pregnant, during 2nd trimester 67 aborted with
5.3% pregnant and 3rd trimester, 44 aborted with 3.6% pregnant whereas
by culling only 13 aborted (68%). Mean
interval from abortion to conception was longer (p < 0.05) for cows with
abortion during 3rd trimester than those aborting during 1st and 2nd
trimesters. Mean intervals from abortion to conception were longer (p <
0.05) for cows with 3 or more abortions. Findings suggest abortion was
associated with longer calving intervals.
Keywords: Cow, Abortion, Culling,
Conception, reproductive performance