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Online Journal of
Veterinary Research©
(Including Medical and Laboratory Research)
Established 1994
ISSN 1328-925X
Volume 29 (2): 57-64, 2025.
induced by intradermal, intranasal and oral inoculums of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in goats.
Rina MN, Zamri-Saad M, Jesse FFA, Saharee
AA, Haron AW, Shahirudin S.
1Research Centre for Ruminant Diseases, Department(s) of Veterinary
Clinical Studies, Veterinary Pathology & Microbiology, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang,
Adza Rina MN, Zamri-Saad
M, Jesse FFA, Saharee AA, Haron
AW, Shahirudin S., Pathology induced by intradermal,
intranasal and oral inoculums of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in goats, Onl J Vet Res., 29
(2): 57-64, 2025. Groups of
5 goats each were injected 1ml intradermal, intranasal and oral inoculums with
107 CFU/ml live C. pseudotuberculosis. Five control goats were not infected.
Clinical signs and body temperatures were recorded and jugular blood taken for
hematology and serum biochemistry. At day 30 goats were killed and prescapular, submandibular, supramammary,
inguinal, mesenteric lymph nodes lungs, livers and kidneys were excised for
bacterial isolation and histopathology. Goats given C. pseudotuberculosis had increased (p<0.05) temperatures for 1st
week. Goats given intradermal inoculum had high (P < 0.05) leukocytes and
transaminases and severe abscesses in lymph nodes. Grossly and microscopically
we found pulmonary and renal congestion and liver abscesses. However, in goats
given intranasal inoculum we found severe mesenteric lymph node lesions whereas
in those given the oral form these lesions occurred in supra-mammary lymph
nodes. Our results suggested that intradermal C. pseudotuberculosis induced severe widespread lesions in goats.
Key words: Pathology,
intra dermal, nasal, oral, Corynebacterium
pseudotuberculosis, goats.