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Online Journal of Veterinary Research©

(Including Medical and Laboratory Research)

Established 1994
ISSN 1328-925X


Volume 26 (11): 843-845, 2022.

Effect of dromedary milk on serum lipids and cholesterol in Wistar rats


Barakat E Mohamed1, NZ Idam2


1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, King Faisal University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2Faculty of Animal  Production, Gezira University-Sudan




Mohamed BE, Idam NZ, Effect of dromedary milk on serum lipids and cholesterol in Wistar rats  Onl J Vet Res., 26 (11): 843-845, 2022. The effect of raw camel milk on plasma lipids in rats fed a cholesterol enriched diet was investigated. Wistar albino rats were fed a standard diet (controls), 1% cholesterol or 1% cholesterol with 16 ml/kg raw camel milk twice daily for 4 weeks. Camel milk did not decrease plasma cholesterol, low density lipoprotein-c or triglyceride whereas plasma high density liprotein-c was significantly (P<0.05) lower in rats given 1% cholesterol or camel milk.


Key words: camel milk, cholesterol ,Coronary heart disease




Camel milk is an important nutrient source for humans (5) but differs from other ruminant milk having low sugar, cholesterol but high levels of minerals(9) and  vitamin C which is ~3X higher than bovine milk(6). Camel milk contains high amount of poly-unsaturated fatty acids which may lower serum lipid and reduced cardiovascular disease(8). Vitamin C can reduce cholesterol biotransformation from bile acids(13). This vitamin boosts cholesterol 7-α hydroxylase enzyme to catabolizes cholesterol. The effect of raw camel milk on plasma lipids in hypercholesterolemic rats is reported.







Three groups of 7 adult male Wistar albino rats weighing 85-120 g were housed in The Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Research Institute, Sudan fed standard diet acclimatized 7 weeks. Then daily for 4 weeks, controls were fed standard diet, another group fed a diet with  1% cholesterol to induce hypercholesterolemia and a group fed 1% cholesterol gavaged vis gastric tube 16ml/kg raw camel milk twice daily. Blood samples were collected every two weeks interval during the experimental period, after an over-night fast. Blood was drawn from the orbital plexus by capillary glass tubes(11) and collected in lithium heparin containers. The tubes were centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 10 min. for plasma. Plasma total cholesterol, LDL-c, HDL-c and triglycerides were determined by enzyme photometric assay (Roche Diagnostic Hitachi 902 Analyzer). Data was analyzed using complete randomized design to separate the means and standard error with the aid of a computer package program (SPSS). The significant differences between groups were evaluated using general linear model of statistical analysis system (12).







Table (1): Values of plasma lipids profile of induced hypercholesterolemic

                             Wistar albino rats.





    1% cholesterol

    1% cholesterol + milk

Total cholesterol (mg/dl)

81.76 ± 1.98b

         150.00 ± 15.49b

      134.52 ± 14.84a

HDL-c (mg/dl)

47.77 ± 1.83a

           33.30 ±  1.44b

        34.79 ±   1.87b-27%

LDL-c (mg/dl)

27.65 ± 1.80b

         107.40 ± 14.78a

        82.63 ± 13.12a

Triglycerides (mg/dl)

73.29 ± 5.47b

           93.95 ± 6.6a

        90.48 ± 4.87a

Means (±SE) with the same row having different superscript small letters are significantly different at (P<0.05).

Group A:    Fed standard diet, Group B:Fed standard diet with 1% cholesterol, Group C:               Fed standard diet with1% cholesterol and 16 ml/kg Bwt camel milk

















Compared with controls, results suggest that 16ml/kg raw camel milk in diet had no significant effect on plasma cholesterol, LDL-c or triglycerides. However, we did find a ~27% reduction (P<0.05) in plasma HDL-c in rats gavaged camel milk. Our findings simulate Agrawal et al., (2003)(1) who reported that  oral administration of 500ml raw camel milk for 3 months did not significantly affect plasma lipid profiles in type 1 diabetic patients whereas Mahamad et al., (2006)(10 found that camel milk have no significant effect on serum lipids gavaged 500ml/kg 4 weeks in type 1 diabetics. Lack of effect on serum cholesterol may have been due to lower blood vitamin C levels due to grazing. In contrast, Elayan et al., (2008)(4) reported that 0.5g gariss supplement given 6 weeks reduced plasma total cholesterol, LDL-c and triglyceride but had no effect on HDL-c. Suzuki et al, (1991)(14) reported that fermented dairy products reduced cholesterol(3).







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