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Online Journal of Veterinary Research©
(Including Medical and Laboratory Research)
Established 1994
ISSN 1328-925X
Volume 28 (11): 787-791, 2024.
Infectious bronchitis vaccine 4/91 virus in
blood and tissues of roosters.
Nili Hassan DVM PhD,
Hosseini Arsalan DVM PhD, Farinpour Amjad DVM PhD.
School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz
University, Iran.
N, Arsalan
H, Amjad F., Infectious bronchitis vaccine
4/91 virus in blood and tissues of roosters, Onl J
Vet Res., 28 (11): 787-791, 2024. Ross broilers (45) were inoculated 0.1ml
intranasal attenuated live virus with 104.5 EID50 viral
particles per dose type 4/91 at 2, 6, 10 and 14 weeks age. Controls (45) were inoculated 0.1ml saline.
Whole blood for RNA, cDNA, ELISA and
antibody was taken days 35, 48, 63, 77, 91 and 105. For microscopy, 9
roosters from each group were sacrificed at 3, 7, 11 and 15 wk
for tissues virus. Vaccinated birds developed antibodies
to infectious bronchitis virus by ELISA by 16 weeks whereas controls were
negative. Amplified cDNA from vaccinated birds from trachea, cecal tonsil, kidney, testis
without or without epididymis were found at predicted 235bp whereas
unvaccinated controls were negative. There were no microscopic differences in
testes between vaccinated and controls but whole blood and testis without
epididymis of infected chickens did not yield 235 bp
product. The virus was found in trachea, cecal
tonsils, kidneys and epididymis of experimentally infected chickens by RT-PCR
of S1- gene oligonucleotide. Detection varied 42% for cecal tonsils to 17% for epididymis.
KEY-WORDS: Infectious
bronchitis variant 4/91, live vaccine, antibody, tissues.