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Online Journal of Veterinary Research©

(Including Medical and Laboratory Research)

Established 1994

ISSN 1328-925X


Volume 28(6): 334-340, 2024.

Effects of cryopreservation on  caprine sperm.


Madurantakam SN,  Masilamani JE.


Semen Bank, Department of Animal Genetics & Breeding, Madras Veterinary College, Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Chennai, India.




Maduratakaman SN, Masilamani JE., Effects of cryopreservation on caprine sperm, Onl J Vet Res 28(6): 334-340, 2024. Twenty seven semen samples were collected in artificial vagina from Boer grade bucks with 2 samples  collected twice weekly for volume, color, consistency, activity, concentration, motility, mortality and abnormalities.  Sperm was cryopreserved in tris-egg yolk based dilutor with 7% glycerol. After 4 hours equilibration at 5˚C, samples were packaged in 0.25 ml mini straws frozen by exposure to liquid nitrogen vapor horizontally. The frozen straws were plunged in liquid nitrogen for freezing at -196˚C. Hamilton-Thorne integrated visual optical system was used to analyze samples. Compared with pre-frozen samples, thawed sperm  motility declined (P < 0.05) ~47-52%, velocity ~16%  whereas straightness and linearity declined ~9%.


KEY WORDS: Goat, Spermatozoa, Kinematics, Cryopreservation, CASA.