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 Online Journal of Bioinformatics © 


Volume 8 (1):8-17, 2007

A comparison of information on molecular interactions available in full-length publications versus abstracts


Mahadevan U1*, Bhate J1, Raghunath A1Kashyap S1, Dey PC1, Prakash N1Bhat B1, Zachariah LL1, Wong, L2


1Molecular Connections Pvt. Ltd., Kandala Mansions, 2/2, Kariappa Road, Basavangudi, Bangalore- 560 004, 2National Institute of Singapore, Science Drive, Singapore 117543, Republic of Singapore



Mahadevan U, Bhate J, Raghunath A,  Kashyap S, Dey PC, Prakash N, Bhat B, Zachariah LL, Wong L, A comparison of information on molecular interactions available in full-length publications versus abstracts, Online J Bioinformatics 8 (1): 8-17, 2007. The last decade has seen an enormous growth in biomedical research and the number of articles published. Biological literature is a major repository of knowledge. Many databases gather this knowledge by curation. As the number of articles increase the burden on curation also increases.  Since abstracts could be obtained free, they could be a good source of knowledge. However, an analysis of abstract versus full-length curation, in terms of information loss, is not available so far. It is reported from a sample study of 120 research articles that, though the data retrieved from abstracts might vary between 11 to 100%, for 78% of the articles, 50% or more information could be gathered by abstract only curation than by full-length only curation. Interestingly, for about 35% of the genes/proteins, the exact origin of the molecules were not decipherable even when full-length articles were used. The analysis also shows that abstract information is not misleading.



Key Words: text mining, annotation, database, authors’ language, abstracts, full-length article